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Minimizing Procrastination,
Using Your Time Effectively

Minimizing Procrastination

If you're not working on a project, even though it's urgent and/or important, you should ask “why?”

Do you think the work will be unpleasant?  does the project seem overwhelming, impossible for you to finish or do well?  are you having any doubts about whether you should do it?

After you “think about your thinking`” to discover what is causing your delay, you can plan a strategy for action (to end the procrastination) so you'll have good timing that lets you take advantage of opportunities while they're still available.


Using Your Time Effectively

"Do you love life?  Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of." (Benjamin Franklin, 1746)

Strategies that will help you use your time more effectively, by making wise decisions based on criteria of urgency and/or importance, are in Effective Use of Valuable Time.